Do not be a mere spectator of the assault on Bitcoin - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Do not be a mere spectator of the assault on Bitcoin

The enemies of Bitcoin are beginning to face the harsh reality ; They are beginning to discover that, even with the unconditional support of the banking industry and all the censorship that fiat money can buy, it is impossible to dominate the market this beautiful creature .

Within the information bubble, denial is evident in the guesswork most absurd : apparently, the problem is not that the miners have evaluated rationally rejected the proposal Blockstream / Core but cultural blindness that makes Chinese unable to appreciate its merits. This, the cultural incompatibility, is the latest theory approved by the censors to explain the failure of Blockstream , and the "solution" plan to the employees of this organization, of course (if you know their usual tactics already have guessed) it is a new conclave behind the market.

Not even the statements clear and direct of the great Chinese miners have been so far down the illusions that still cherish the useful idiots of Blockstream. In part, this is because any reference to the truth, indirectly it is instantly removed by censors in controlled by the masters of fiat money means; in part due to the instinctive genuflection aroused in the cowardly threat of ostracism by authoritarian figures who have kidnapped founded by Satoshi Nakamoto client; and partly due to the economic illiteracy prevailing among the supporters of central planning the size of the blocks.

In the domains of Blockstream anything goes as not to admit defeat against the relentless determination of the market. However, it is possible to detect some signs that denial is beginning to give way to mental depression. And they can be seen, these petty tyrants who until recently anticipated the imminent submission of the economic majority , lamenting all the work done in vain (read: by the bad allocation of resources - an evil inherent in central planning that has turned to morderlos-); already you can see them wondering, disconcerted, how is it possible that the miners do not willingly accept the software Core (read: how may not sacrifice your business on the altar of Blockstream) , or why Bitcoin Unlimited (read: the software that defends the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto) continues to gain followers and -a computing power despite the formidable campaign against Blockstream- funded, or why people outside the information bubble have lost their respect.

Now that Blockstream fall approaches, we still elude the death throes of this parasite loss that Bitcoin has contracted. We will have to counter the propaganda in its most aggressive version ( "Bitcoin is not scalable ", " the fork is the death of Bitcoin," "can not rely on the market ", " Blockstream or chaos"); we must prepare for the resurgence of the campaigns of fear and uncertainty, as well as defamation and cyber attacks directed against any alternative to Blockstream / Core.

Bitcoin defend their enemies should not stop us enjoying the spectacle that we provide them for free when delivered to despair and finally to self - destruction, but we can not just be spectators of these events; to win the battle at the lowest possible brokenness we must support alternatives to Core -Keep Bitcoin nodes Unlimited or Classic, point our computing power to Bitcoin pools Unlimited or Classic- and help spread the reasons why Bitcoin has worked and it works in other words, the reasons why Bitcoin exists -.

Just as the Constitution does not guarantee in itself that the rights enshrined therein are not violated, software Bitcoin, by itself, does not guarantee that the property owners bitcoins is not violated (which never issued over 21 million units, or double spending will never admit). The words written in that document called Constitution are not imbued with a magical power to protect our lives and property. Also, commands that follow the code of an implementation of Bitcoin does not have the ability to serve our interests. Are we (investors, miners, businessmen, users) who, by embracing or rejecting certain code, give life to the rules that protect us from the arbitrariness that is standard in the world fiat .

Blockstream employees ignore the importance of the only truly revolutionary contribution of Satoshi Nakamoto: "consensus Nakamoto" thanks to which the market will always have the possibility to express themselves -. If the future of Bitcoin depended on the political skill of a group of leaders, the consensus decentralized system created by Nakamoto would not be necessary; It would have sufficed to establish a caste of technocrats and trust its members and his disciples defending monetary properties of Bitcoin From Here to Eternity. But the very purpose of consensus Nakamoto is to prevent a special interest group to decide the fate of Bitcoin, and naturally aligned achieved by maintaining the incentives of all actors involved in the market.

If you think restore sanity to the financial world after the inevitable collapse of the "welfare state" it is the Manifest Destiny of Bitcoin, join us in the trenches. Do not settle for being a mere spectator. The assault on Bitcoin is an assault on the future of civilization -a your future, the future of your sons. Nothing less than that is what is at stake.