extreme neutrality - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Saturday, September 30, 2017

extreme neutrality

More than two hundred thousand uncommitted transactions, unpredictable periods (several hours or several days, even paying fees that were just weeks ago absurdly high), transaction costs increasing exponentially, altcoins up a lot faster than Bitcoin pace ... What is going? Nothing that can surprise the attentive reader of this site; nothing that has not been anticipated here years ago.

All minimally reasonable person already noticed that limit the size of the blocks set by a central committee , Soviet - style, no less disastrous than any other form of central planning of the economy . Supporters of Blockstream / Core not only have to dismiss the paper Satoshi Nakamoto, now also they have to dismiss the manifest damage caused by scorched earth policy that this organization has decided to implement a Bitcoin who refuses to submit to its five - year plan as the useful idiots who once traveled to the USSR invited by the nomenklatura They had to dismiss famines and massacres Because according to Marxists ideologues were not so bad, and anyway the victims deserved their fate for having obstructed his bourgeois selfishness the triumphal march of the proletariat, or something of that sort.

A classic useful idiot Blockstream / Core Bitcoin will tell you that, as designed Satoshi Nakamoto, is not scalable ; that increased capacity within the block chain leads inexorably to a monopolistic centralization of nodes, and we need to give more power to the intellectual vanguard of Blockstream / Core to combat these abhorrent market trends. Only then -renunciando our particular interests and counteracting the profit of the miners reach the promised land by cryptoleninistas . That in the best case; in the worst case scenario will tell you that there is no problem, that looks like a successful Bitcoin and that there is nothing to fear and much to celebrate.

On the contrary, any lucid observer refractory to advertising that is guided by logic and attentive to the empirical evidence, will tell you that the solution is to expand and provide options for all market players, for allowing emergency prices express the changing needs and preferences of investors, users and miners. From this point of view, the fear that the mining act against investors / users is no more reasonable than the fear of magic hammer of Thor, the god of thunder. For miners, explains Zangelbert Bingledack , "it is profitable to do what the market demands. The miners have always had the ability to force users to accept changes that do not want. Bitcoin does not work because people use software that submits to the miners, but thanks to the incentives that are subject miners . ".

In trying to cover fire exchanged between these two trenches, some choose to give him some reason to either side, as if reason were a cake that can be cut into as many portions as needed to leave all more or less satisfied . These relativistic irrational, real extreme neutrality, the possibility that one of the two positions can be completely never arise absurd and stupid obtuse, while the other may simply be correct . Why do not you'll see call debate but to concord ; You will see no arguing but caresses and handing out cakes to satisfy momentarily hearts and stomachs at the expense of mental clarity.

"If only abrazáramos us and sing together in perfect harmony, like the splendid chorus of USA for Africa led by Michael Jackson, all problems would disappear". Extremist neutrality prefers indulge their own fantasies as he congratulates himself for the stature of his imaginary moral authority to face the harsh reality. Admit that their naive illusions do nothing but strengthen the sociopath that confronts -dispuesto to take any such moral license to impose their will - it is to admit the true nature of the relationship (ie , victim or victimizer-parasite-host). And since the true nature of the relationship does not fit his reassuring fantasies, the extremist neutrality tends to move farther and farther evidence in a constant flight by galleries padded their own imaginary world . "I do not feel good, ergo there" seems to be the guiding principle of his clumsy actions.

Common sense advises ask before seeking a solution: Is this a real problem and insuperables- -due to specific limitations, or a problem created and cultivated by those who intend to sell their "solutions"? Common sense, however, is not the strongest extremist neutrality. Calm at any cost, he dodge the questions and say, displaying a compassionate smile: "I've had enough, my brother; let us pray together so that Blockstream boys reflect, admit their mistakes and do the right thing inspired by our bonhomie and purity of heart. "

No matter Blockstream / Core has been proposed to destroy the utility , the adoption , the security and decentralization of Bitcoin, one of the most wonderful inventions in the history of mankind. Apparently, the priority is to appease the aggressive anthropoid keyboard used by Blockstream to punish the dissident. Nobody Uncover the pot, that no one is offended, no one is stressed out , they feel like they've won, that reign harmony and brotherhood !, because deep down we all want the same thing ... is not it? ...!? it is not true?!

No, it's not true ... fills me with anger, for instance, see Venezuelans on foot who were desperate to find a way to escape hyperinflation, to defend the purchasing power of their meager savings, assistance outside the (practically nonexistent) authorized channels of transferring value without a myriad of obstacles arbitrarios- find a barrier insurmountable that prevents them from accessing Bitcoin, built by a mafia devoted to ensure mastery of the same financial institutions whose existence is threatened by Bitcoin.

If you're afraid to tell the truth because personal attacks take away - or sleep because they threaten your source of income, if you give in to the demands of a group of sociopaths for fear of the consequences of noting its obvious contradictions or veiled intentions, you have be ashamed for it. But please do not try to hide your true motives in a wrapper of moral authority. Nobody will buy that package; all you get is losing credibility among those who take seriously the challenge of resistance , and feed your desire totalitarian hypocrisy of those responsible for the assault on Bitcoin .