Unmasking the invaders: 13 paradoxes of Blockstream / Core - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Unmasking the invaders: 13 paradoxes of Blockstream / Core

The worse operates the network, the easier it is to cryptoleninistas present themselves as the only ones capable of solving the problems that they themselves have made, while accused of all evils supporters to eliminate centralized planning - that economy is to supporters better, cheaper and decentralize the system - at least before the masses of functional illiterates who live forums controlled Blockstream / Core . The worse, then better.

The cryptoleninismo is a belief system independent of reality. In the absence of worthy ideas that defend the illusion of coherence it is maintained between believers through a series of tactics of psychological manipulation well known, employed with master - this must be said by Blockstream boys. His mastery of the club (the fear of ostracism and attacks for the crime of expressing an objection) and carrot (the reward for expressing loyalty to the supreme leader) has delivered them from the task of arguing, and has been enough to extinguish full dissent within the information bubble that they dominate.

Each of the Blockstream boys is a political race, cynical and ruthless as they come, ready to do anything to increase its coercive power over users of Bitcoin. If you do not understand this, we will continue to adhere to the rules of honest debate as they stick to their own methods of a totalitarian organization something equivalent to playing chess with an opponent willing to use our against a baseball bat.

In order to repel the invasion , unmask the invaders is more important to reiterate for the umpteenth time about arguments that they never respond. And what better way than to highlight some of the most hilarious paradoxes of Blockstream / Core:

Decentralization ♦ via centralization of development ( Core = Bitcoin ).

♦ Consensus by removing all options (lock setting the block size).

♦ Everyone should be able to maintain a node on a computer of USD 5, to monitor transactions for a fee you paid USD 100 .

♦ must replace a system is theoretically attackable (increased capacity of the chain block) with a system only it works in theory ( Lightning network as decentralized network mesh).

♦ We must interfere with the free market (space blocks) to create a " market rates ".

♦ We can not increase the size of the blocks because we are concerned about the centralization; We support Segwit , which multiplies up to 4 network load.

♦ we can not have a hard fork contentious because it is very dangerous (create two currencies, divide the computing power, etc.). If they begin to accept more than 1MB blocks, we propose an algorithm change working trial via hard fork.

♦ The computing power is more important than the number of nodes (when Core surpassed XT in computing power); the number of nodes is more important than computing power (when BU surpassed in computing power Core).

♦ It is necessary to limit the ability of the chain block to create a market rate that encourages the miners. Climbing, d e must carry transactions l as rates outside the chain block .

♦ Bitcoin is about to split in two by the issue of limit the size of the blocks. There is no market demand for larger blocks.

♦ Miners producing empty blocks are attacking Bitcoin! The blocks should be smaller .

♦ Collects mos 76 million dollars transnational mega-corporations to defend ... Bitcoin.

♦ We believe that the limit to the size of the block s protects Bitcoin against spam; We complain about the "spam attacks" whenever the network is congested.

Source: R / BTC

So absurd is the proposal of people Blockstream / Core, without the enormous economic effort that has been designed to Bitcoin subversion throughout his empire of lies fall in minutes.

Like a vampire exposed to sunlight, the cryptoleninismo disintegrates when exposed to rational examination . Hence the boys Blockstream manufacturing and defense of his story through propaganda and be taken seriously as censorship .

But that's not a good long - term strategy in the Internet age. The information bubble eventually bursts, either by contact with the truth or by the growing instability generated by its own contradictions .