Behind the smokescreen ... technocracy of Bitcoin Core - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Behind the smokescreen ... technocracy of Bitcoin Core

In this new stage of we decided to move away from the chaotic center of the capital of Bitcoinlandia, but instead to move toward the suburbs we will rise aboard a metaphorical balloon in an attempt to cover the whole picture of the phenomenon Bitcoin. From there we will have the opportunity to analyze calmly all truly inspired contributions to help us better interpret what we see.

The questions that have always interested us - and we will continue trying responder- are basically these four: What are the forces that have pushed or dragged us to the situation where we are today? What are the catalysts? What resources do we, as individuals, to favor them or resist them ? And therefore: To where we go as a species? (If you do not understand why we think Bitcoin has to do with the fate of humanity, must be again here ).

Every time we experience an urgent need to share with you, dear readers, an interesting perspective on these questions, we will.

This new method may not be celebrated by addicts news, but if you are one of those who appreciate the lucid reflection, observation acute, associations and unexpected conclusions, exploring little-traveled areas ... in short, if you are someone who appreciate the constant intellectual challenge, we are confident that you will enjoy reading the material that we will be selecting.

Today feeds our brains the great ForkiusMaximus , who lives once again a pseudonym deliberately loaded with reminiscences historical . Intellectual heavyweight in the heated debate about the nature of Bitcoin , ForkiusMaximus today gives us an analogy that enables a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the schism approaching.
Bitcoin Core [the Bitcoin client kidnapped by Blockstream ] is now dominated by a group of technocrats who use expertise as a smokescreen to disguise who do not know what they are doing economically .

It's a trick similar to Hilbert, the mathematician, conducted in the field of theoretical physics a century ago. He and later Heisenberg, Bohr and some others used the darkness of his math to master physics. The result was that anyone who could not get through his thick curtain of smoke matemágica could not face them, and theoretical physics was becoming an independent discipline of the physical world. People who distrusted the new paradigm, like Einstein, still current, intimidated by Hilbert and company after admitting difficulty in assimilating the mathematics of this new school. When Einstein finally retired and dared to speak, she was branded a senile old man by proponents of esoteric interpretations of "new physics", which by then gained popularity in academia.

The battle cry of the new physics was essentially "There is a physical reality; just math. The whole theory is there in mathematics . Are these physical models appearing in Scientific American? They are just secular interpretations, so you have any objection based on them may not be valid and deserves our attention. If you want to object to something, you must first enter all these incredibly thick layers of mathematics. What? You say it does not make sense? What our terms are not even clearly defined? Just do not understand ".

The battle cry of the new Core is essentially "No economy; only code. All economic aspects are there in the code . Are these arguments expensive than some minor Core developer presented in an interview? They are simplifications to the layman, so any objection based on that does not deserve our attention. If you want to object, first find a vulnerability and then get to program a solution. What? The idea itself is meaningless; there is not even a coherent concept to analyze? Just do not understand ".

Patches and endless tricks. They continue playing evasion indefinitely, as long as you continue accepting its authority in the design of Bitcoin on the basis of faith in his skills as programmers and cryptographers; as long as you follow along because you do not have the technical competence to challenge them.

Core clique can continue to appeal to that trick. Fortunately, unlike theoretical physics, which has been stuck in a rut of circumlocutions for 80 years thanks to the unlimited state funding, Bitcoin is financed by the market , and patience market with Core will run out quickly if the dead weight artificially hindered transactions and increasingly expensive and unpredictable rates begin to rise. Now is still not much, but it is likely to change in a few months. And then we will witness the true power of this fully decentralized network.

Academics can entertain themselves with their jueguecillos status and perhaps fool some time a few unsuspecting investors, but when the market wakes up , probably because of the threat of encroachment by the altcoins- sweep away all the artificial boundaries .

And if Core does not follow the market, it will be left behind .