If the price of bitcoin addresses the moon, keep your feet on the ground - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

If the price of bitcoin addresses the moon, keep your feet on the ground

I have seen many of these bubbles. That's why I have some advice for those who do not yet have experience in the field.

Withdraw your Bitcoins of exchanges during a bubble. (If you're an active trader, you are likely to be an idiot and do not follow my advice. But at least I can say I warned you).
The price of bitcoin can reach the moon and then collapsing . In each new price drop is more intense pain. When the price first came to US $ 30 - after Schumer will tell the world that could buy drugs with Bitcoin- there were many who bought, and they were alone and depressed when the price fell to US $ 2. Think how much worse it would be if people put all their savings life with Bitcoin to US $ 10,000 and the price falls to US $ 1,000. If the bubbles are becoming larger, the negative consequences will multiply.
You know nothing; You do not know how high it will go, nor how far it will fall. Do not enter into the game. If you consider that this experiment will work, stay with your Bitcoins. You might be sad for not having sold when the price was at its peak, but I rejoice to see that you have been in a better position than before it began to rise.
Do not spend more than you can afford to lose .
Do not try to explain why prices rise . Perhaps there is no clearly identifiable reason should be heading to the moon right now; It could be an outbreak of irrational exuberance. Probably many of you will be left out. They put your money, exacerbating the bubble, which will bring a wave of news on the subject, making more and more people are interested and willing to invest. It will be good for Bitcoin, as it will bring a large number of new bitcoiners. But many of them end up hurt when the price they play against.
Do not tell your family to invest .
Do not tell your friends to invest .
Avoid expressions of optimism . Answers questions about Bitcoin, but always warns that " it is not advisable to buy unless you first understand the technology and believe it will work , " or something like that .
With the new wave of people there will be new scams . If you have not been scammed, you will be, and if bitcoins worth much, it 's going to hurt a lot.
Remember that every price rally leaves behind deep regret all those who bought before the rise. Do not live with regrets, look forward . We are here because Bitcoin as technology works. If you think Bitcoin only works if you get rich, you probably should go. Because this is a very slow game, and unpredictable in the short term.
New bitcoiners come with a typical arrogant newcomer. You probably do not realize how much you've learned since you arrived. Be gentle, but firm. Tries to prevent newbies surrender their money to scammers improvised . I am very critical of their misconceptions. And remember to point to the story when, after a brief examination, tell you all the reasons why Bitcoin will fail, "slow confirmation of transactions ... no one accepts ... it's too hard to use ... is not scalable ... does not provide sufficient anonymity ... makes buying drugs ... just criminals use it ... Bitcoin entrepreneurs in the world are all crooks ... has no intrinsic value ... "etc., etc. For them we have a meme:
When all is said and done, you may be much richer. In that case, spend a little -diviértete one Rato and keeps well the rest. Bitcoin could become the universal currency, but could also fall to $ 0. No one knows for sure .
Withdraw your money sharing sites!