Insurance pleasure boats: enjoy the sea carefree and fulfilling the Law - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Insurance pleasure boats: enjoy the sea carefree and fulfilling the Law

Summer is an ideal way to enjoy the sea in a thousand different ways and all of them highly desirable station. And the most desirable usually practiced with a boat of the hundreds of types out there.

Are you lucky enough to have a possession of a pleasure boat or are you thinking of doing? If so read on , because this post will interest you ; If still not reading too, if you have a friend or acquaintance with boat on the coast you visit that "passed by the area."

Let's talk about the insurance of pleasure craft . Like any other type of vehicle it is mandatory, according to Spanish legislation, maritime, from a sailboat (provided you have at least six meters long) with a jetski, have an obligatory insurance of Spanish vessels to cover liability civil derived from navigation of the vessel or the same berthed being, etc. Otherwise, violators could be exposed to high fines against maritime safety that can reach up to 180,000 €. So few jokes with that.

The compulsory insurance for pleasure boats as happens with other Subscription- insurance must cover liability for damage, both material and personal, and the damage caused to third parties, in this case using the ship. No matter which means of transport / leisure be a sailing boat a motorboat , pneumatic, rigid or semirigid type.

As the Ministry of Public Works , this insurance covers bodily injury, death or property damage caused to third parties as well as economic losses arising from any of the above assumptions. It also includes damage caused to ships, even if the collision with them does not occur.

Vessels participating in sports competitions , such as regattas, must also sign another compulsory insurance that protects them not only during development but also during test preparation sessions or training for it. This insurance is complementary to the previous one .

We must also say that not only owners of Spanish vessels must sign the liability insurance, but any owner of a boat to go sailing through our waters, whether of nationality is the owner and the boat.

To be safe ...

Beyond this obligation, it left to the discretion of the owner subscription other guarantees . Some of them seem to me important, such as covering own damage to the boat. This is responsible for covering from cases of theft or loss of the ship to partial damages that may suffer. Some insurers also contemplate the theft of accessories means of sea transport separately, as in the case of the engine if any.

You can also have coverage of personal accident insurance , which includes medical or disability or death of persons traveling on the boat expenses. Always, though, that the accident occurs aboard it.

Other guarantees that you can subscribe are for travel assistance , both for the boat staff and passengers, or for legal protection , ensuring the defense of the interests of the insured and offers advice. Thus, adding one after the other coverage will reach practically offer insurance .

Imagination to power

Companies, meanwhile, do not stop innovating to offer coverage broader, benefits and bonuses to customers in order that they opt for their offer. Since integrating sports competitions coverage in the insurance without additional cost, to offer discounts on the price of the policy as a reward for no accident; from extending the area over which is effective to maintain safe conditions of insurance in case the boat is rented to others.

The offer, as always, is very wide, and luckily that often leads to a better deal for the customer who has available adequate coverage for your case. If now, in addition to the necessary information, have the budget and want to get your hands on a pleasure boat, it may be a good time to drive you to the sea. With the guarantee, yes, you are properly insured, and if you have doubts consult with a professional insurance agent, you provide good service.