Insurance that move the world: transport insurance - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Insurance that move the world: transport insurance

The more evolved social networks, and Internet sales, the more necessary it is to have logistics and freight . And not just goods.

Despite being immersed in the era of megamacromultiultracomunicación , we should remember something very important: not only online technologies help us to contact them with one another, either for personal or professional reasons. The means of transport continue to play an essential role in this. From a small - displacement motorcycle to an airliner, a bicycle to a sea cruise. Fortunately not only we realize our life tied to a computer, a tablet or a smartphone; the movement remains important , and helps us to relate, communicate and work.

Transport is essential for the development of thousands of companies . And not only those dedicated to it as a hub of activity, as a courier company, a fleet of taxis, a bus company or freight business. They are also essential for professional performance of many other sectors.

We can give thousands of examples: a restaurant with food delivery service, a media outlet, a pharmaceutical home care, a brand of appliances whose trade must move constantly, a hospital, a theater company ...

But hey, come with insurance. Already surplus reflected the importance of transport in 99% of companies. It is the perfect setting to introduce our protagonist of the post, a product to consider for entrepreneurs and managers whose company dependent or require constant mobility of its human and material resources. We talk about the transport insurance .

By land, sea and air

We were going to headline this section What are they for , but given the wide spectrum of both insurance products and professional sectors in which they operate, it would be really difficult to synthesize in a few lines. To better understand insurance split transportation into three sections: land, sea and air.

We start by insurance for land transport . Most of them operate in the freight sector. These products protect the interests not only of the owners of objects ranging from one place to another, but the carriers themselves during movement of the material by land vehicles, from motorcycles to cars passing by trucks, trains or vans.

It is safe property damage for which the insurer agrees to indemnify the policyholder for damage that the goods may suffer during transport (if it is proved, of course, they have been properly transported and protected). If, for example, the driver shift undertake an unwise maneuver or a collection of porcelain broke not being well packaged insurance would not cover damage to the material.

The shipping insurance can be of many types. Some are aimed at importing and exporting companies, while others are intended for owners of pleasure boats whose business is renting them to the public. Beyond these companies also exist, of course, insurance covering boats for private use.

But the transport insurance companies cover only not moving. In fact, there are dozens of products for other companies that carry out their activity in one place: shipowners, shipping, sports, marinas and yacht clubs ports, shipbuilding and ship repair ...

Without leaving the sea also cite that there are other types of insurance such as liability related to maritime activities or transportation or crew, which target the contracting companies that want to protect their workers against possible accidents that they can suffer on board.

By air the picture is similar. There are insurance companies to import and export by air that handle cover damage to the goods transported, and others aimed at companies working in the commercial operation of aircraft and airport activities in general. Of course, fortunate individuals who have a plane or more among his possessions also have the corresponding insurance.


The transport of works of art is a small chapter in this post. And, whatever the route by visiting (air, sea or land) the value of content is always high and the risk of loss, theft or damage may have serious consequences.

For that reason there are specific transport insurance for works of art, usually multi-risk products that offer coverage not only for his exhibition at the museum or institution concerned, but over his transfer.

As you can see the issue of transportation, and insurance that cover, it is so broad and exciting that surely will return to it later.