Prevention is not bad: serious illness insurance - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Prevention is not bad: serious illness insurance

This post is not about creating alarmism but provide solutions. Serious illness there, yes; but ... how do you combat them?

Before we start talking about diseases, a little humor.

A man visits the doctor. He says he has severe pain in various parts of the body, which is pointing his finger:

- It hurts here. And here ... Oh! ... And here ... Is it serious, Doctor?

The doctor, eyes wide, says: For God You all you have is a broken finger!

I wish all our visits to the doctor or emergency room were because of a slight fracture on the index finger; I wish they were to take them to joke like this joke; but the reality is that it is not, that serious illnesses are very common nowadays and affect millions of people in our country: renal failure, myocardial infarction, sclerosis, alzheimer, parkinson ... and of course, the dreaded and every increasingly widespread cancer .

But this post is not about creating alarmism and yes to provide solutions. Serious illness there, yes; but ... how do you combat them? First, leading a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of appearing or developed; secondly, putting the means at our disposal to deal with them makes an appearance if one of those diseases.

And of course it is a good preventive measure thinking about hiring an insurance for serious illnesses , sector gains more importance over the years and has earned a separate post. Today we will talk about such policies.

How do you hire?

To begin, we note that insurance serious diseases can be contracted in many ways. Additional coverage may be included in the health insurance , a type of health insurance or an independent policy that serves to supplement the basic medical insurance .

You may also be present -of other way in other branches of industry, such as life : several of them provide for the payment of the sum insured if a serious illness is detected in the policyholder, which is very useful, or even fundamental to bear the consequences of a situation like this. Options are not lacking, as we see, if we want to be protected by insurance serious diseases .

Just a moment! We have started the cart before the horse. Let's analyze another fundamental question, what are the main coverages offered.

For starters, the most important: take care of medical expenses . The insurance company bears the costs that may require the insured. Not just the hospital , but extrahospital as may be required, including special treatments .

Usual, also the customer to have a second opinion , recommended a possibility especially in the case of disease severity and usually discarded in mild. So the patient will be able to be doubly informed and advised regarding their condition, obtaining confirmation or modification of the most appropriate treatment.

Also usually including travel assistance , always with a limited period of time. In case of illness costs the customer on concepts such as sanitary transfer and transport are covered, as well as the displacement of a relative, transmission of urgent messages or cash advance if necessary.

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But there possible coverage of such insurance is not finished. Another important tricks that some companies offer is the international service , through which the possibility gives customers access to hospitals or treatment when they are outside their country.

As for the kinds of diseases and ailments, more and more types are included within insurance serious diseases. From cancer to heart attack, to brain disease, vascular malformations, surgery, organ transplants, multiple sclerosis, paralysis ...

In addition, the insurance industry is increasingly working on the specificity of the product, taking into account the most common diseases in men -infarto infarction- or directly typical of men -Cancer próstata- as specific women (malignant tumors ovary, uterus, breast ...).

A final factor to consider is the age of recruitment . Learn what the age limit with which you can take out a policy in this sector'm usually is the established companies between 60 and 65 years is your responsibility, you should not only worry about the price and coverages . And it is that serious illnesses are not to take them as a joke, even if we opened this post with a smile. And it is always advisable to have good advice before hiring consulting with an insurance agent or insurance broker .